( Mar. 22nd, 2007 06:34 pm)
1) This is mostly for the Americans, although anyone can jump in if they feel free (although I know the Canadians' answer) - what would you call this style of hat?

2a) How many people here go to universities/colleges who decide registration times based on your previous averages?

2b) Have any of you had to defer required courses because they were full before your registration time came up/know someone who had to defer?

(The first came up in a discussion among the Wargamers, and the second, in a conversation I'm having right now with Yana, which sprung out of my worry about not getting the summer classes I wanted, 'cause I can't register until Monday)
E-mail count: 5

Yeah, not much, I know, but I have this crippling irrational fear that the profs are going to send me some totally harsh e-mail back telling me that I suck and to never speak to them again (look, I said it was irrational). So far, I've had one 'ask me again in the fall' and one 'possibly', who still hasn't gotten back to me with a definite (if I don't have a reply by tomorrow evening, I'm e-mailing her again - only prof who I'm not afraid is going to eat me alive).

In related news, I learned today that I am not actually totally screwed into getting into Microbi here - I thought they ranked purely by total average in the five required classes, and then took the top eighty or so of that to admit, which, with a quoted admissions average of 82%, would mean doing stupidly well in the almighty weeder that is Chem 233. Luckily, this isn't what they do - they take a single class, rank everyone by grade, and then the top eighty-two people get two points, the next forty-two get one, and everyone after that gets zero. They do this for each of the five required classes, add the points up, and then take the top eighty-two of that - combined average is only used to decide if there's ties at the cut-off point. Apparently the top eighty-two cut-off in Chem 233 is somewhere around 60% - so I actually may have a chance here.
( Mar. 21st, 2007 11:48 am)
Wow... took me so long to read this thread... let's make this thread the longest ever
So... i'm a first year rookie trying to survive in this hell built by people who are thirst
for knowledge. And... of course my initial goal here was also medical school. But after
seeing the massive number of people trying to get into that "holy place", i was greatly
discouraged. But i'm still thinkin' about med school tho. I mean i think seeing a patient
recovering under your care is a really rewarding thing. But i'm not THAT passionate
about medicine, which is why i should also be thinkin' about other programs like
pharmacology or physiology maybe?
Now i'm really confused about what i should do with my life... kinda sad eh? I don't
have much volunteer experience, but an average around 90 in MOST courses (just
found out i'll probably end up with below 80 in Bio 121). What program do you experienced
UBC veterans suggest for me? I mean... what are ya'll doing, and do you like what you
are doing? What's it like to do graduate studies, and does it bring income?

Have I mentioned how much I dislike pre-med grade-whores? This same guy was whining about getting a mark in the high seventies in Bio 121 (the same class I pulled a 60% in first term, with a class average of 70%). Seriously, dude, you're the reason Chem 233 has 55% class averages. Go into pharmacology so you can make the big bucks, 'cause if I get into Microbi and find you, I'll hit you myself.

And I am totally making a t-shirt that says 'Yes, I'm in Bio. No, I am _not_ pre-med'
( Mar. 19th, 2007 11:44 pm)
This spawned out of one of the many late-night/early-morning conversations I had sitting around my kitchen table last summer. I kept meaning to write it down, but I never remembered when I was actually near a computer. Now, nine months later, I can remember maybe a quarter of the guidelines, but I thought of it today during my bio tutorial, so I decided I might as well record what I do remember.

The rules for our island utopia:
-Though the utopia was founded by scientists, we welcome you crazy, crazy Arts kids.
-However, there is to be no arguing about which is superior, arts or science
-Claiming your work is superior to others because it's more practical will also get you tossed (you goddamn engineer)
-Attire for scientists: lab coat, and for the vision impaired, the old coke-bottle style glasses. For the non-vision impaired, lab goggles. And I don't mean the neat Bono-wraparound style of goggles - the big, thick, silly looking ones.
-Attire for those in Arts (you have no good collective noun): togas and masks - I think you get to design your own, but it's been a while.
-Necessary bureaucratic duties (ie, making sure we have food and don't all starve to death) will be rotated - there will be no set formal government.
-The main form of punishment was being expelled from the island by way of being tossed in the surrounding ocean - there were some harsher ones that I think involved fire and/or attack penguins, but this may be wishful remembering on my part.

This is less than half of what we had, but I really can't remember more. If they suddenly come to mind, I'll post them, I guess.
( Mar. 17th, 2007 11:59 pm)
I have to give the drunks outside some credit - their loud singing is 1) less hideously off-key than karaoke night at the Gallery and 2) holiday-appropriate. Earlier someone was singing Floggin Molly's 'Seven Deadly Sins', and now it's gone to 'Bonnie, Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond'.

I did not get drunk today. I didn't even wear green. And yeah, I'm Irish. I am seized by a deep desire to listen to Celtic ballads now, though.
( Mar. 17th, 2007 09:08 pm)
We are now Moveable Type 3.3 good to go, complete with a few new features - feeds, and a search function over in the side bar. I still need to do some file and code clean-up, but that shouldn't affect anything on the main page.
I generally have very few complaints about this university - yeah, there's construction, yeah, some of the buildings are ugly, yeah, dealing with the administration blows, but this is widely true of universities everywhere, up to and including MIT (well, I can't speak about admin).

The one thing that really, truly drives me up the wall here, though, is UBC Athletics. UBC, unlike most universities in North America, is incapable of providing faculties for student use. Each student here pays about $200 in student fees, and the only facilities we get for free are a couple hours a day of use of the pool and Aquatics Centre gym (which isn't terrible, but it's not great either). Everything else? Pay extra. A full 4-month membership to the Aquatics Centre is $94. One for the good gym is $136. Tennis courts are $12 an hour for a student to book. Comparatively, a 4-month membership to all UVic facilities for a non-UVic uni student (ie, someone like me) is $102 - UVic students pay nothing other than their Athletic fees.

Fucking great, UBC Athletics. If they do end up closing the Aquatics Centre gym, there is no way in hell I'm shelling out for a membership. I'd rather get a membership to the YMCA or JCC or something which disgusts me less. And would probably be cheaper.
( Mar. 16th, 2007 09:10 pm)
Apparently all I need to do to cheer myself up when I'm being grumpy about people is think 'I should break their kneecaps'. Apparently there is something inherently funny about kneecap-breaking to me.

My big accomplishment of the day (other than getting out of bed in time for classes) - installing Moveable Type 3.3 on my server. Not running it directly yet, because I need to relearn the template tags and get one of the spam-blocking plug-ins to work properly, but it's up. Also, I discovered why my printer got jammed - there's a pencil stuck way down by the paper feeds - no idea how it got there, and I'm going to need a screwdriver to get it out, it looks like.

I was totally going to play some video games, but watching old X-Files eps and eating sounds like a much better plan right now.
Okay, so the only two things that have managed to get me anywhere near hammered are several shots of Bacardi 151 (which, yes, I know, is not meant for human consumption), and somewhere between two-thirds and three-quarters of a glass of Goldschlager (40% alcohol, for those unfamiliar with it). Apparently the first thing to go is my vision (those who wear both glasses and contacts fairly regularly - you know that unfocusing thing that you get when you take your contacts out? I've got that, but worse)

Although, uh, the coherency of this entry probably says something about my alcohol tolerance. Although I will admit to being in the sort of mood where I sing along very loudly to songs, regardless of how good I am (I can't judge my musical talent normally - tipsy? Not happening).

And many thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Monday - went out for excellent Mexican with a few friends, had a few drinks (but it was Monday, so not very many). This week has been kind of crazy, but thankfully, it's almost over. And I've got aaaall my taxes and other paperwork DONE.
( Mar. 13th, 2007 11:23 am)
I love how Shadowrun doesn't even try to pretend it's anything other than Gibson for the D&D crowd. I keep snickering reading over gear lists, because I either see something that is either straight out of one of the Sprawl novels, or something clearly D&D (Bows in the cyberpunk 2070? Sure!). I've got a pretty straight up hard cyberpunk character - skinny little hacker chick, with guns ('cause dude, you don't wander around on your own without some weapon, and my two boys both have knives), no magic or technomancy. We've got one mage (ork, trained by elves, with a Logic of 1 - it's going to be special), and a charismatic elf face (a term who's meaning I understand, but none the less makes me snicker inside).

...It's going to take me forever to gear up this girl. Mostly because I'm really horribly indecisive.

(Also, speaking of Gibson - I had a dream last night that crossed DDS, Count Zero and the Coldfire Trilogy. That...was a bit weird)
( Mar. 11th, 2007 01:12 am)
Just a reminder to all my friends in North America at least that daylight savings time has begun, so it's just after 2 PST. I think my clock may actually have reset itself, but as there are no guarantees - figured it'd be best to mention.

Also, my AIM has died horribly (as in it won't load - doesn't even give me error messages, just...nothing), sooo...if you want to catch me I'll be on MSN - address is my T-T.org one.
( Mar. 10th, 2007 08:23 pm)
I meant to post this like a week and a half ago, but I kept forgetting. Monday is my birthday - I'm going to spend the evening going out to dinner with a few friends here, but I kind of wanted to have a little party or something. I have no idea when/where works out best for people, though - thoughts?

And, augh, I remember now why I had so much trouble writing Asher the first time - I'm too close to him, so it takes a lot of effort for me to not take things that other characters say about him IC personally. He's an asshole sometimes, and there are consequences for that.

For now, off to watch more Project Runway and play some DDS, I think - homework for the day is done, yaaaay.
Almost twenty hours into DDS, just after the first set of stuff at Coordinate 136. There are actual plot spoilers this time, so, read at your own risk.

Or, to quote the X Handpuppet Theatre: FORE-SHA-DOW-ING! )
( Mar. 5th, 2007 01:50 pm)
I've tried to keep the ranting here to a minimum, but I need to froth at the mouth some for like...two minutes.

I've been feeling increasingly down about lab positions and my inability to find one. There are still faculty members I haven't e-mailed, but honestly, the thought of spending a whole afternoon reading papers to write an e-mail that I get no reply to (and which has a decent chance of having wound up being deleted without being looked at) just makes me want to cry.

This is not being helped at all by Yana, who got a great position with tons of help from me (as to why I didn't go for it myself - not my department), and now won't shut up about it. At all. I hate to say it, but the clueless academic with no life outside their research or lab is not cute or endearing, it's boring and irritating and makes them into the kind of people who don't get invited out at all because nobody wants to be around them. And it's doubly irritating when I have spent the last month trying to find something myself with no success.

I snapped at her yesterday - if she does it again, I'm going to be sorely tempted to hit her and/or throw things.
( Mar. 5th, 2007 11:37 am)
Is there something about the name Jack that implies 'man-whore'? Because three of the five characters with that name I can think of would have sex with practically anything that moves, another one is debatable (Jack Sparrow), and only the fifth (Jack Skellington) is most definately not a man-whore.

RR!Jack is the reincarnation of Casanova, and accordingly has slept with half the characters in the game. Including Asher, because while he's less of a slut than most of the Jacks, his pants are not exactly hard to get into.

And totally, completely unrelated - if there is no Argilla/Sera bandwagon, I am forming one right now, damnit. Because I think it would be cute (and really, that's about the only justification I need for a ship).
( Mar. 4th, 2007 11:50 pm)
About eleven hours in, right after the first Anahata bit - not actually too spoiler-heavy, if only because no major plot-bombs have been dropped, but I'll cut anyway.
Mm, Atlus crack )
( Mar. 3rd, 2007 11:01 pm)
Nope, haven't forgotten to do a con report and what not, it's just been a very busy week. This'll be shorter than the usual con report, because, well, Kei-kon is smaller than the usual cons I go to.
The con )
The photos )


( Mar. 2nd, 2007 11:45 am)
Dear Yaoicon, please stop trying to guilt me into going to ToA.

I really do want to - it's Shoujocon, pretty much, and Shoujocon was my favorite little con ever. But I don't have $350 to drop on a plane ticket to San Mateo, and there are more people going who _don't_ want me to go than people who want me to go, versus Sakuracon, where I don't think there's anyone who doesn't want me to go.

And yes. This post is totally just me trying to justify my decisions to myself XD;
( Feb. 27th, 2007 02:15 pm)
I just had a thought this afternoon walking home from Chem - much as Asher has a lot of traits that originated in various friends of mine or myself (although at this point, most of them couldn't be picked out by anyone other than me, save maybe his emoticon choice ;) ), his cat, Francis, is a mix of a number of different cats I've known over the years - he's about the same build and color as Yama-kitty (a touch lighter and bigger, maybe), he's got Emma's tendancy to treat people as furniture, and chews on everything like Bitey. Not sure where the whole 'attack cat!' thing came from, though XD;

His full name is Francis Alexander Demter-Haring the Third - as you can probably tell, Ally named him. Asher just calls him Francis.
( Feb. 25th, 2007 02:08 am)
Having now played through most of Case 4 of Phoenix Wright, I now suddenly see where all the yaoi for this series comes from. Phoenix? Gay. Edgeworth? Really gay (and endearingly pompous, but that's an entry for another day) This game? Gay gay gay. More so than Elijah Wood.

It's also wonderfully crack, and I'd probably still be playing right now if Matt's DS battery hadn't run down - hope someone has a charger >.> And yes. I am at Kei-kon, it is two am, and our hotel has free wireless. Which is inexplicably not loading some sites, but whatever. I should probably sleep.




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