( Jan. 3rd, 2013 01:25 am)
In 2012, I:
-started volunteering for DW
-had my car vandalized
-got my first 'unconventional' piercings
-went to a (awesome) steampunk con
-went to a real grown-up technical conference
-began the process of lifehacking

I kind of shy away from the idea of New Year's resolutions because, well, they always end up broken, but we'll call these New Year's goals. Things to strive towards, without beating myself up too much if I slip up along the way.
-stick to the two new habits I started near the end of 2012 - flossing my teeth and picking up around the house daily.
-cross some things off my 'want to learn'/'want to read'/'want to watch' list
-get a career-job.
( Jan. 1st, 2010 05:59 pm)
Because I do this every year!

In 2009, I:
-Got a credit card
-Got a smartphone
-Failed a class
-Finished a JRPG in under six months!
-Got back into LJ RP (and how)
-Made a suit from scratch

...Not a very eventful year for new experiences, haha.
( Jan. 2nd, 2009 12:23 am)
In 2008 I:
-Started playing WoW
-Ran my first tabletop game
-Organized and completed a road trip by myself
-Got my first promotion ever
-Grew my own garden
-Learned how to make homemade jam
-Installed Linux

No resolutions this year - it's not like I keep them anyway, heh.
( Jan. 1st, 2008 11:07 pm)
Adding to the ton of recap posts out there, as I do every year :D In 2007 I:
-Went clubbing
-Got totally wasted (just once!)
-Moved out on my own
-Acquired a boyfriend ♥
-Did a lot of tabletop RP
-Worked full-time (well, for the summer)

Resolutions for 2008:
-Get back in shape - I slacked off on working out over the summer, and have an extra twenty pounds to show for it.
-Get more creative stuff done - I did a little writing, but nothing on the graphic design or sewing front for most of the year
( Jan. 1st, 2007 06:03 pm)
The good old recap post, now with bonus resolutions. In 2006 I:
-graduated high school
-moved out
-started uni
-finally admitted denim is not the devil's fabric
-discovered awesome music
-reconnected with some awesome old friends, and made several awesome new ones (shout-outs to my WA/Island amigos, as well as Julie, Yana, and the Wargamers)
-got drunk! (although not wasted)

Resolutions for 2007:
-continue working out and getting back into shape (gym at least twice a week, some sort of cardio)
-work on dealing with my anxiety issues, which I've realized are the source of most of my other problems
-pull my grades back up to at least ~80% in term 2




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