A happy third birthday to my blog, which will have a new layout tomorrow, as I didn't have time to code it today.

This, of course, was largely because I spent my free time finishing off FFX.

Squaresoft, you really know how to wring your players for all their emotional worth. Seriously, I managed not to get emotional over the FMA ending at all, and then I nearly start crying over the FFX ending. Especially when Auron is Sent, and then later when Tidus jumps off the airship into the clouds, and then you see Auron and Braska and Jecht, and Tidus high-fives his dad. At least Auron and Braska and Jecht can be together in their little gay afterlife forever ^^ And then Yuna gave her little speech at the end and I was like ;.; and then all "...I want FFX-2. Now." Especially because of the little clip after the credits.

Also, I bought fabric for a summoner Yuna outfit today. The pretty wins ^^



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