([personal profile] momiji Sep. 17th, 2004 04:49 pm)

People who want to group pre-reg with me.

I need the following from everybody:
-Real first and last name.
-name you'd like on badge
-Street address + city/state/zip
-e-mail address
-whether you mind AB including your name, city, and state on their online pre-reg list.

My e-mail address is cocoa(@)tokyo-tower(.)org, minus the parentheses, which is also my MSN username, and my AIM sn is Momijizukamori. I need all this stuff so I can send the forms in ^^

(We have hotel rooms reserved now, all those arrangements will be made later)

EDIT: Screening comments, as this is a public post and I don't think people want their home address out for the whole world to see. As for payment, I still need to talk to my mother (AKA, the one who can actually write checks and such), but I'll let everybody know when that gets worked out ^^



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