([personal profile] momiji Jul. 5th, 2004 01:46 pm)
I return! Yes, I'm back from the land of relatives and tons of food (In the rural South, I've found, everything is an occasion for food. Lots and lots of food. Most of it is pretty good though - green beans, biscuits, tons of corn-on-the-cob ^^). Strangely enough, the item I'm happiest to have back is my keyboard. I always have trouble using other people's keyboards, particularly laptop ones and really new desktop ones - I guess I'm just too used to the key placement and key resistance on the one I've got now.

Anyway. Last few days. Drove up to Philadelphia on Friday, hung around the house some, and then went into the city Saturday afternoon. After a little bit of confusion, I managed to meet up with Audrey and Micheal, and we walked, shopped (I got Queen CDs! *is shameless geek*), ate, talked, and generally hung out, which was really cool ^^ Sunday was largely spent playing FF8, which is finally starting to get interesting, and then going into the city to see the fireworks, which were awesome - probably the best I've seen aside from Disney.

And that's about it. Flew home this moring, and am currently wishing I didn't have to go to work in a hour.



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