So, I've redone my apparently very popular 'X: My fandom makes people gay.' icon. Opinions? Better? Worse? Same ^^?
Also! I have requests done for two people who asked for them
moonything -
seracy -
And yeah, I do icon requests. In fact, I really really enjoy doing icon requests ^^ So, friends and possibly polite random people if they so wish may request icons ^^ Although, if it's something I don't have a picture for, you'll have to give it to me
Also! I have requests done for two people who asked for them
moonything -
seracy -
And yeah, I do icon requests. In fact, I really really enjoy doing icon requests ^^ So, friends and possibly polite random people if they so wish may request icons ^^ Although, if it's something I don't have a picture for, you'll have to give it to me