([personal profile] momiji Nov. 2nd, 2019 11:14 am)
I thought my IG -> DW zapier config had broken but no, it turns out I just haven't posted anything other than a multi-photo dump (which Zapier doesn't pick up) on IG since mid September. Which, uh, is the state of most of my social medias these days. I'm around on Discord, and I share current happenings with friends there, but nothing more concrete, really. I've unfortunately been struggling even more than usual with constant tiredness since the spring, with unfortunately still no known physiological cause. May try to convince my PCP to refer me for a sleep study even if the one I had done back in like... 2011 didn't show anything.

In OTHER news, however, I sat down and picked up my conversion of the /customize pages and they are now almost done - at the point where I need to cajole other people into testing because I've stared at everything so long I don't see mistakes any more. API stuff is also coming along, though it's more fiddly and tedious to work on.

I also picked up my read-through of the Vorkosigan books again, and finished off everything except Flowers of Vashnoi, which I haven't been able to find DRM-free yet (and it's not in the store for my ereader). Definitely understand why a lot of my friends are fans - I thoroughly enjoyed them. So if you see me leaving kudos on your fic from years ago, that's why.



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