([personal profile] momiji Aug. 26th, 2006 06:43 pm)
So, I'm about to leave for my dad's place - we're leaving for Toronto from there tomorrow, and then flying from there. I managed not to break down at all during packing, probably because I was too busy stressing out, but now it's all done and I'm on the verge of tears.

Said goodbye to all my friends at various points this week, and a bit of a goodbye to Boston with Mara, but this is the hard part - leaving my mom and brother, leaving my two cats, leaving the house I grew up in. Yeah, I'll be back in eight months at the absolute latest, but this is...the beginning of the end of that part of my life, I guess.

Julie, if you see this before you leave - stop by my room when you get there, yeah? It's listed on my Facebook page.

Everybody else - I'll have some internet between now and when I arrive on-campus the 29th, so I'll definately be checking e-mail and LJ, but I probably won't be on AIM/MSN much.



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