([personal profile] momiji May. 18th, 2006 11:31 pm)
Dear self, this whole 'Getting Things Done' thing works a lot better when you don't misplace the only sewing needle you were able to find the other day. Argh. Tomorrow, then, I bet there's more in the sewing room somewhere. Current status - I got the flame pattern for the cuffs of WM Yuna cut out, but need said sewing needle to sew them down. I also got the lining for Ada cut out and partially pinned together, which is somewhat of an accomplishment, as I modified the hell out of the bust on the original pattern, and then had to trace all my modifications onto tissue paper for the lining.

Non-costume-wise, my Life Saving and First Aid recert is tomorrow, and I'm panicking already, because I haven't done any of it in three years (that being how long a certification lasts) and I know I'm going to screw up deep water spinal. Ugh. May go play some KH2 to take my mind off of things.



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