([personal profile] momiji Apr. 4th, 2006 10:29 am)
Things that made yesterday evening and this morning rather nice:
- My first Basic Hunter Education class. More on that later, but for now - it is so refreshing to have the instructors really, really care about what they're teaching.
- Not getting lost going to or from said class, particularly after dark in the rain.
- Writing Asher.
- Having writing Asher go a lot more fluidly than it has in the past - I'm getting better, yes!
- Got into the University of Washington. Now I'm just waiting to hear from UBC.

I'm not sure if the AU!Eva that's been forming in my brain is a good thing or not, but Eva is totally from the North End, and a MILF. And it's sad how more people will understand the second part of that.

Also, today is Asher's birthday. No idea how old he'd be, as Midgarverse time has no real relationship to real-world time, and Shinra's Finest has it's own internal timeline (where we've been on the same day for six months now *cough*), but happy birthday to him anyway.



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