([personal profile] momiji Jan. 17th, 2006 12:20 pm)
So, my car is finally unfrozen - took my dad an hour and three pots of boiling water, for which he is totally the win today. Unfortunately my mood is dampened by the fact that my Calc 2 final re-take is tonight, and I'm terrified of failing. So I'm kind of full of nervous energy at the moment, which unfortunately doesn't lend itself well to studying, although I'm going to give it a go.

Anyway! On to the real main point of this entry - free music XD; This is mostly for Michelle, although I figured I'd share with everyone else as well. The song is absolutely gorgeous, if a little sad.

Drew Bunting - Gin

(Also, randomly, I'm having entries from friends not show up on my f-list. [livejournal.com profile] skuldchan has been doing it for a while, but I noticed today that some of [livejournal.com profile] ariseishirou's aren't showing either. Weird.)



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