( Nov. 5th, 2007 01:56 am)
So, I should really be asleep, as I need to be up again in another six and a half hours, but I've got too much on my brain. I've been reading old SR campaigns, mostly about the sequence of events leading up to Crash 2.0, as I'd like to write out some backstory for Ally, and I think that's what sparked off this late-night ramble. I was lying in bed, a particular line of synth running through my head (Coburn - We Interrupt This Program (Interrupted Vocal Mix) - I may upload this and some of the rest of the SR playlist later), when I was suddenly struck by an overwhelming wave of longing for a place I've never been, and which may not even exist, save possibly Tokyo in the quiet hours of the early morning. It's neon lights at night, clusters of skyscrapers looming over the water, concrete and steel girders, empty subway stations, the feeling of being alone in the midst of civilization. It makes me miss Boston a little, in part because New England has a way of getting in your blood, and also because Vancouver, while I love it, has a little less of that neon-grit edge that Boston and NYC have. Some of you may remember a bit of an essay I wrote back in '05 (god, was it really that long ago now?) about cities, and a lot of what I said then holds true now. This, plus my rampant techno-fetishism, probably explains the deep draw cyberpunk has on me.

In conclusion, have a cool Tokyo nightscape pic while I decide what my chances of actually falling asleep are.

EDIT: Also, I know I have expressed my desire for mirrorshades in the past - these are pretty much exactly what I'm looking for (cap from Hackers). Leads would be awesome.
Okay, so my mp3 player didn't come to me today, because nobody was home at Jon's house to sign for it. Fine, whatever, I had it mailed there because I'm home even less. But I discovered on the notice that they want me to pay a $20 'brokerage fee' - on top of the $30 I already paid for a less-than-two-pound box. And they don't deliver on Saturdays, so I have to wait until Monday. Seriously, I've never, ever had this kind of bullshit with the USPS, and even after they jacked International Priority rates, it's still more affordable.
( Nov. 1st, 2007 11:43 pm)
Got my Bio 200 midterm back today - 90 = A+ = very happy me. This almost makes up for all the Cs in everything else. My new mp3 player is somewhere between Seattle and Richmond, which also makes me happy - I hope it doesn't get held at Customs, and thus arrives tomorrow, but who knows.

We had a little Halloween party last night - low-key, but fun. Sat around and had chips and canday, and played DDR and Gloom and Rayman, and got a bit tipsy. Good times.

And last but not least, best of luck to all my friends doing NaNo this year. I, as usual, am not, but am going to instead try to motivate myself to write _something_ this month.
-Saw Hackers over the weekend. Cheesy cyberpunk-esque goodness, and young Angelina Jolie with short hair? Hot.
-I forgot how much I <3 IRC. Seriously, BT may be for the masses, but nothing beats a steady transfer rate on some super-obscure file (in this case, out of print SR and VtM books)
-I love cheesy Halloween decorations. Like eyeball bowls and cheap mummy and frankenstein straws
-I'm going to buy an mp3 player today (Creative's website can't handle billing and shipping addresses in different countries, so I have to call). It's already named (hint: it's big and black, and all my peripherals are named after Turks).
-The laptop battery is pretty much toast - it can hold hibernation for a few hours, though.
-I keep being tempted to start wild Christmas planning, despite it not being November yet >.>
-Started playing Persona 2 last week - will probably blog about that in detail later.
-Go go Red Sox! May have to gloat at Nick tomorrow night, and begin heaping my pity on the Canucks instead (although they're doing okay this year, I think?)
( Oct. 26th, 2007 10:28 am)
Seriously, guys, this is getting ridiculous. Latest casualty in the ongoing technological death around me? My laptop battery. It was fine a week ago. Then suddenly it could only hold 40% capacity. Now it's saying 'irreparable damage to the battery has been detected'. Nevermind that it was working fine when I went to bed last night, and all I did was run the battery gauge reset (which shouldn't damage the battery, it just syncs the software with the actual charge capacity). And Lenovo US says my battery doesn't actually exist. Lenovo Canada has it - for a nice big $180. I'm going to try running the gauge reset again, but gah.

Also, Creative has some good prices on refurbished mp3 players. Can anyone give any input on buying manufacter refurbished electronics? I'm always super-hesitant about buying used, but I don't have the money for new right now...
( Oct. 23rd, 2007 11:37 pm)
So apparently I've got straight Cs in three of my five classes (one hasn't had a midterm yet, and the other isn't marked yet). And then, instead of having fun in Earthdawn, we all nearly died. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat would be nice, if we had more than a fifty percent chance of surviving next week. But we don't, and if we all die then, it makes tonight even more pointless.

I wish I could get a re-do on this week.
( Oct. 23rd, 2007 01:04 am)
So, today started out as a normal bad day - slept badly, felt kinda sick, left my USB mouse at home when I was going to be on campus all afternoon, that sort of irritating shit. And then around seven, I get a call from my landlord, who lives upstairs, saying 'Are you home? The alarm just went off'. And of course, I'm on campus - which means bad things are happening.

Turns out our house was broken into - cops think two people. They got in through one of the windows in my suite, tripping off half the the alarms, went into my bedroom and rifled through the nice-looking jewelry box, taking nothing, pried the door to the the upstairs half open with a crowbar, most likely (the deadbolt was almost totally ripped out of the door), setting off the other half of the alarms, and then riffling through my landlord's bedroom. Luckily, we had some fucking stupid thieves - they only made off with one laptop, which was pretty new and didn't have much installed on it. My video games and systems weren't even touched, including Jon's Wii. They ripped off all the alarm panels, probably thinking that it would kill the alarm (only kills the sound, the control panel keeps sending alerts), but they fit right back in and still work fine. So we're going to beef up security some in hopes of thwarting a second attempt by the same guys.
( Oct. 19th, 2007 06:28 pm)
So, what with the mp3 player deaths and all, I'm in the market for a new one. I'm basically looking for something that is 1) reliable and 2) at least 20 GB. The 20-30 GB range is what I'm really looking for. I basically just want something that plays music - doesn't need video or photos or a tuner or whatever else.

Any advice? Ones to avoid would be handy as well.
Downside: I managed to accidently throw my two weeks from new CD player into a wall. 'How did you do something like that accidentally?' you say. Well, when you don't realize it's balled up in some blankets, and then toss said blankets onto the bed with a little more force than was probably necessary, this wonderful thing called momentum sends the heavy things flying fast into walls, and scuffing paint. It's toast, and I can't find the receipt, so I'm out $25. This is not a good year for me and personal electronics - two mp3 players and a CD player D:

Upside: I have a shiny new giant silver Ikea bookcase, full of stuff, which means the stuff isn't on my floor, and it actually looks more like I _live_ here now. And I found my Seishirou bling, which I was positive I had lost at a con sometime long ago, and was never going to see again.

Also, OMG, Lady's in DMC4 and wearing hot pants? WTF? Trish too, but she doesn't look any trashier than she did in DMC.
( Oct. 17th, 2007 12:36 pm)
So apparently SR4!Ally is like a kinder, gentler Satsuki - technomancers do what Satsuki does, talk to machines like people. I find this strangely amusing, but must admit that Ally talking the computers into telling her what she wants sounds, well, very Ally-like. And sticking a technomancer in a shielded area is not unlike sticking a normal person in a small, totally dark closet. I kind of want to stat Satsuki up for SR4, but I wouldn't actual play her, because misanthropists are less fun to play in a team setting, and I want to try my hand at a non-hacker at some point. I may actually stat up a version of Tseng, possibly going for a combat-oriented adept, as he's not really a cyberware kind of guy. It wouldn't quite be the same without the subordinates screwing with his stuff and asking if the moldy loaf of bread in the fridge can be be a new team member, but I like playing his personality - dry humor mixed with an ability to be ruthless and very, very dangerous when necessary - and I could make the backstory work out. I dunno, we'll see how long it takes this team to bite the dust XD;
( Oct. 16th, 2007 12:41 am)
I can't tell if it's because Excel is too user friendly, or too non-user friendly, or some strange combination of the two, but it takes forever to figure out how to accomplish some seemingly simple task. Like adding a linear line of best fit to a graph. This is in part because searching the help for 'trend line graph' gives adding a trendline to a graph as the tenth or twelfth hit, rather than, say, the first.

In giving thanks for small miracles, however, the three-month garbage strike has finally ended, which means come Wednesday morning my week-old three bag of mashed yams will be gone, along with some truly sketchy hot-pot leftovers. And my video card, integrated though it may be (look, it was like $200 cheaper, okay?), is still awesome enough to run Halflife Source, which means I have something to do when I actually have time to play games again.
( Oct. 14th, 2007 02:47 pm)
Ganked from [livejournal.com profile] riddled, as I am avoiding cleaning my kitchen for the moment.

These are the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing's users (as of 30 September 2007).

As usual, bold what you have read, italicise what you started but couldn't finish, and strike through what you couldn't stand. Add an asterisk to those you've read more than once. Underline those on your to-read list.

Hooray, meme )


( Oct. 11th, 2007 04:43 pm)
I have just spent the last three hours working on stats. It's all very simple stuff, but the data sets are really big, and my graphing calculator batteries are dead, so I can just program the set in and then let it run all the functions. On the plus side, it's the worst of all my current assignments, and it's _done_. I had my first midterm yesterday, which I'm fairly certain I did terribly on - I didn't realize it was yesterday until Tuesday afternoon, at which point it was too late to do much other studying than rechecking my notes (I don't pull all-nighters to cram, it would just make me do worse). I think I passed, though, which is a start.

Thanksgiving on Monday was fun - unlike my mother, I almost managed to get the amount of food right so we weren't swimming in left-overs for a week (too much mashed yam, though). Unfortunately between this and a large cell bill from August, I should probably not spend money on anything other than food until next month, really - although I think in the confusion I've paid my next cellphone bill as well (Rogers doesn't list late payments until the next billing cycle, which is really confusing).

My dad is coming next week, my house is almost clean, I'm helping Jon go shopping tonight - life is largely pretty good.
Finished Twilight Princess last night - overall, an excellent game, although it seems to me like the last few Zelda games have been getting easier. Maybe it's because I'm getting more skilled? Not sure. I do miss having a bit of challenge in boss fights, though. This lead me to reminiscing about the old Zelda fandom, back about nine or ten years ago - there are all these fics I used to read that have all fallen off the web. Even HTLOZ isn't the same any more. Weird to think how things change.

And because I haven't done this in a while, and have lots more new OCs, the 'ask my characters anything' meme returns! The list: Jorim, Anya, Ally (SR and SF), Asher (RR and SF), Lucia, Isaac, Raphael, and I'll field my version of canon characters, like Eva and Tseng, too.
( Oct. 4th, 2007 12:25 am)
- Jon is really cute in glasses <3
- Had another mp3 player death (my brother's old one) over the weekend, so I bought a CD player until I have enough for a new mp3 player
- Thinking of joining Fencing Club, but I'm not sure I want to sacrifice my Thursday evenings for it
- This has lead me to wondering if my old fencing instructor remembers me - probably not.
- And fencing gear is pricey. Damn.
- For the first time since moving here, I lost money converting from USD to CDN instead of the other way around.
- I impulse-bought a 1GB flash drive today. It was only $15, okay >.>?
( Oct. 3rd, 2007 12:51 am)
Two words: Trolls waterskiing.

Along with having more money for food, and of course, my ever-wonderful boyfriend, this managed to make up for the fail that was the rest of the day. Said fail included labs running overtime, low withdrawal limits, my bank having shitty hours ('we're open late - until 5!'), and managing to get to the last monster level in the Cave of Ordeals in Twilight Princess - only to die. Oh well. Gotta balance the good with the bad.

I feel like I should be posting more, but it's all 'blah blah work blah school blah' lately - funny stuff happens, but I never managed to _remember_ it.
( Sep. 30th, 2007 01:41 pm)
Icebreaker on Friday went surprisingly well - a ton of people showed up, and we managed not to run out of food despite that, so everything went well. The afterparty was a bit more low-key, as half the people who were supposed to come, didn't, so there were only six of us. We got a bit tipsy and sat around playing Rayman for the Wii anyway. It may have worked out for the best, given my lack of furniture >.> I did, however, take the delivery of a table and four chairs last night, and am getting a bed today (king-size!). Hooray from people moving and getting rid of stuff for free!

Managed to cut back on some of my work commitments, too, so zomg, free time again. Now if only I had my memory card... Although I still have Twilight Princess to finish off.
( Sep. 27th, 2007 02:07 am)
...was fucking amazing live. Ronan really knows how to include the audience in the show, which more than makes up for the lack of really showy lights or anything. Plus, it was in a night club, which means a smaller crowd, but a lot more intimate (I shook hands with Ronan Harris!), and you can just let loose and dance (which I did). Songs I remember being played, not in order:

Wish they had played more Futureperfect stuff, but they got a bunch of my favs, so I was ecstatic - guess I'll just have to see them live again ;) Ran into a ton of people I knew, which was a bit surprising, but nice - also got a lift home from someone (thanks, Joey!), which saved me cab money...which I used to buy a button-down instead. What can I say, I've been coveting one for a while now. Got a bunch of pictures, too - will post the ones that came out later.
Got some of my scheduling worked out - one game ending in a few weeks, and we hired someone new at work, so in a few weeks my schedule will be better. I'm also getting better about actually getting work done on time. This still leaves very little time for blogging, though, as some people may have noticed. Been getting lots of stuff done for the club, though, which is good.

In school news, my vertebrate anatomy lab sucks, my cell bio lab is awesome, and one of my profs has encouraged us to lick toads. Being a biology student is a strange life.
So, I actually made a schedule of my day this afternoon, and realized I have appalling little free time before eleven o'clock, which is what's been leading to me not sleeping enough. It's definately starting to take it's toll, though, as I can tell my depression is coming back - I've been down for the last two weeks, and I'm started to feel really distanced from most of my friends. It's not their fault I'm so busy, but it's still a little upsetting when everyone goes off to do things without me. I'm going to see what I can do about cutting my schedule down, though.

The crazy landlady drama is also apparently not over, as a scholarship cheque has been mailed to that address, as nobody bothered to double-check with me if that address was still correct. I really, really don't want to deal with her, but it's five hundred dollars, so I have to. I'm also waiting on some packages that haven't showed up here yet - should have been shipped directly here, so I guess they're stuck at the border.




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