I HAVE WATCHED IT. Oh god, two hours of my life I am never getting back again. It's like someone took an episode of Family Guy - the non sequitors, the gags that get old after one minute that run to five, obnoxious laughter - and stretched it out into a whole movie. And then made it about wookies. We had had an ooc chat viewing session (okay, so it was just two of us while everyone else lol'd at our spazzing) and decided that the two best things about this movie were 1) The guard who hates fish and 2) Boba Fett riding a dinosaur.

It was so...just. WTF. That's all I can really say.

On a completely unrelated note, I got new BPAL today, and Whitechapel smells awesomeeeeee. I think I have my new Rufus BPAL here. Just citrusy enough to offset the lilac and musk. SO NICE.
( Jan. 26th, 2010 02:49 pm)
In lieu of an actual update, have an RP meme! Because I felt like it.

Read more... )
"I awoke in a panic, and had to remind myself that I do not, in fact, own a toaster oven."

(Perhaps I will elaborate on this later, but I feel almost as if it's more interesting to leave it out of context. Back to getting ahead on course reading~)
( Jan. 16th, 2010 03:20 am)
Because I don't have much in the way of thinky stuff to talk about.

Whip It: Old, but something Greenie linked to the other day reminded me that I totally meant to post about how awesome this movie is and didn't when I saw it. It is so awesome that 1) I went by myself to see it at the theatre and 2) I cried in the theatre while watching it. It is Dead Poets Society with kickass girls and a happy ending. It takes most of the traditional Inspirational Sports Movie tropes and subverts them. I may actually buy this on DVD it was that good.

Sherlock Holmes: Okay so I think everyone already knows this was awesome, but I feel like adding my two cents. Watson is awesome! Holmes is gay for him! I've seen some complaints about the story being too cheesy but crazy supernatural ooga-booga is pretty much on part for the stories - Dan Brown has just kind of made us sick of grand secret society conspiracy theories, I think.

Daybreakers: Vampires! Who don't sparkle! Predictable story, but lots of fun nonetheless. Very bloody and dystopic (I love that like all the vampires smoke because none of them have to worry about lung cancer any more)

Tales of Symphonia: OH MY GOD WHY DID I WAIT THIS LONG TO PLAY THIS GAME. It's like Zelda's dungeon layouts teamed up with Secret of Mana's combat system to go kidnap FFX's plot. And yeah, it's about as awesome as that makes it sound. Some plot elements are kind of predictable, but it's ridiculously fun and has totally been sucking my time away from P3.
( Jan. 8th, 2010 12:38 am)
Roommate: I am officially a trap now.
Me: Huh?
Roommate: I went by the club today and four people thought I was some new girl
Me: *lols forever*

So I went back to the States for Christmas, and came back home for New Year's, and while it was all very busy I don't think much of note actually happened. The Museum of Science is still awesome, Finale is still delicious, and New England in winter is still fucking cold. Got to see some people I haven't seen in a while, which was nice - Winter and my grandmother, most notably.

Christmas gifts can largely be summed up as 'video games' and 'money which I used to buy video games', thus cementing my rep as a Huge Nerd. Am most of the way through Persona 3 FES and enjoying it immensely, and then Jon and I started Tales of Symphonia (go go multiplayer battle system!), which is also quite fun even if at times it feels like FFX - With Ten-Year-Olds! Seriously, Colette is so much like a teeny!Yuna, it's great.

Classes have started again - retaking the animal physio class I failed again (blah blah blah boring), Shakespeare and Children's Lit as online classes (interesting texts, not too much reading, but so much writing @.@ Weekly discussion questions and journal entries), Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences (mmm philosophy - also lots of writing), and Interdisciplinary Applications of Evolutionary Theory (mmm, memetics. And writing. And presentations).
( Jan. 1st, 2010 05:59 pm)
Because I do this every year!

In 2009, I:
-Got a credit card
-Got a smartphone
-Failed a class
-Finished a JRPG in under six months!
-Got back into LJ RP (and how)
-Made a suit from scratch

...Not a very eventful year for new experiences, haha.
( Dec. 16th, 2009 01:34 am)
MMO I want to be excited about but can't quite get worked up about - Final Fantasy XIV

(I tend to like Final Fantasy games in part for their worldbuilding - see Midgar and Spira - and I'm just not getting a feel for that from XIV. It seems so...generic high fantasy with chocobos :<)

MMO I didn't expect to be excited about and am - Guild Wars 2

(It looks gorgeous, and while the races play into some of the fantasy tropes they also all manage to look really unique. I want a cute little Asura already, augh. And the lack of extreme sexual dimorphism - contrast with WoW - makes me happy. Female cat people aren't hypersexualized, hooray!)

I also keep wanting to reactivate my WoW account, but most of what I want to do is raiding and as far as I know there are no non-shitty two-night-a-week raiding guilds, which is all I have time for right now. I'm an elitist bitch and I don't want to play with lousy players, but I think pretty much anyone who is a good raider is in a three-four raid a week guild which I just...can't do.
( Dec. 15th, 2009 02:48 pm)
- Actual CBC news broadcaster ticker seen yesterday while I ate cheeseburgers in McDonald's: "Its Way Way Too Cold Out"
- We got an inch of snow! Which means everyone was driving like an idiot yesterday, and today it's all melted again into the occasional puddle of slush on the grass
- Daiso is a magical land of small, cheap, useful, Japanese things that you didn't know you needed until you saw them. I had to talk myself down to twenty dollars worth of stuff (everything is $2 each, so :<)
-Corollary to above - I now have the perfect case for my BPAL imps! it's a bit plain, but it has little perfectly sized compartments.
-The Delly has a new culinary invention - the potato chop. It's an inner core of ground beef, onions, peas, and carrots, surrounded by mashed potatoes, rolled in breadcrumbs, and deep-fried. It's delicious.
-Apparently sleep-dep makes me poetic. I ended my eight and a half page 20th century lit final (a discussion of how Watchmen and The Matrix represent fears of technology current to their time periods) with "Scientific progress moves forward while the the ethical debate surrounding its use lags behind, and we are left in uncertain territory apt to breed nightmares."
-Eleven page paper of doom netted me a B+/A- and and admonishment to proofread. I did skim it once, but I was a bit tripped out on the clonazepam and really sick of looking at it, so there's a few word switches, half the 'it's' should be 'its', and I stopped editing a line mid-sentance.
( Dec. 11th, 2009 04:24 am)
So I know a few of you still have your own domains - I'm looking to switch providers. I'm largely happy with my current plan buuuuut TCH only lets you have one domain per account (any additional ones are parked) and I uh. May have just registered a second one to have the most amazing e-mail addresses ever, so I need a hosting account that can provide that. My current plan is the silver plan here - I do not need nearly that much bandwidth, though I /do/ use my domain for a lot of image hosting/file transfers so I've come close to the 2.4 GB cap before. Any opinions, anyone?
( Dec. 10th, 2009 05:09 am)
All my papers and the two worst of my finals over with, which is a relief. I dunno if it's the stress or the cold snap we've been having or both, but I've been feeling more like a bitter, angry husk of a human being than normal the last few days, ugh. I'm halfway tempted to take hiatuses at my games so I can just hide inside alone and play PS2 games, but I'm also grumpy about my inability to get characters active and involved in plots right now so it's kind of a no-win situation. I am a crankypants right now and feeling miserly and annoyed at other people having fun, which is not really a great state of mind for social interaction.

tl;dr my life is unsatisfying right now
Me: I have to say, trying to install open office dictionaries while you are doped on benzos is an interesting experience
Ced: Benzo'ed Rufus? I see photoshoots in that.
Me: Haha
Me: Yeah, of me walking into things
Me: Or falling over
Ced: Hey, it'd explain the wheelchair pretty nicely.
Me: Haha
Me: Well, if Geostigma induces seizures the way actual lupus does, he totally could be tripped up on benzos in AC
Me: Klonopin I think is mostly used as an anti-epileptic
Ced: Wikipedia says so, yes.
Ced: So, maybe we'll forego the breaking of legs for realism and just go for the sleeping pills and the wheelchair at the 'con?
Me: XD

I did actually manage to get the dictionaries installed despite my very short attention span. Final paper count was 3.1k words, ten pages plus an eleventh of bibliography. I'm now setting off into my second one, which is horribly boring but now one-fifth done.

And as promised - My glasses in action! Another bus-stop camera phone photo, this one far less cool-looking than the last.
( Dec. 2nd, 2009 11:59 pm)
A brief digression away from uploading things (mostly of the musical variety), term papers (Friday's paper - 7/8 pages, 1 secondary source out of 5; Tuesday's - 0/6, but at least I have a topic), and maple brown sugar bacon (still delicious), because omg, I bought stuff this week.

First and foremost was replacing broken electronics - the DS cost me $85, but it was a Triforce one and came with a one year warranty, so I can't complain too much (apparently my old one was fried past the point of fixing? Hooray for Nintendo's guaranteed repair, though). Headphones cost me a half hour of my time while things were deliberated over, and having to take a slight downgrade (oh no, they don't fold up any more, I am so put out /sarcasm).

I also bought new screen protectors for the DS, and 358/2 Days because Squeenix owns my soul :( I haven't actually gotten past the introduction, though, because my gametime lately has been devoted to Persona 4. And then I went to IKEA and bought a full-length mirror, and carried it home on the bus in the rain. This would have been okay if my house wasn't three blocks from the bus stop. Mirror is fine, but arms were definitely sore.

And finally! I bought these a few weeks ago, but just got to pick them up on Saturday, but new glasses! (And why is that that I can look way more intense and evil in a random one-off shot I took on my phone at the bus than I can in cosplay photos? Sigh). These were my old pair, for reference. If it is sunny again tomorrow and I remember I will try to get an ~action shot~, because they are Transition lenses and are seriously awesome. My glasses are like, from the future, guys.
( Nov. 26th, 2009 02:47 am)
I love you even as you break my heart over and over. Seriously, only game to actually outright make me cry, because while the ending is 'good', it's also very bittersweet - you are keenly aware of all the sacrifices that are made to get there. I know FF7 has Aeris, but somehow her death doesn't have the scope, the impact that seeing Yuna perform the Sending for a row of bodies in a half-destroyed village does. Death is more present in Spira, and while the game may have it's little romance plot (I don't really want to say subplot, because while it's subtle it's very important to the story), the focus is really on the balance of life and death, of sorrow and hope.

Part of me wants to like, write a super-long post about Braska and Yuna and why I love them both so so so much, but I don't think I could adequately capture it in words. They're both such complex characters - even though yeah, Braska is in the game for like all of ten minutes total. I don't think I could ever really write FFX fic for the same reason - I could never narrow the focus enough. I can handle Braska in RP, though I don't think I could pull of the hint of uncertainty in herself that Yuna still has through much of the game. I guess I will say this much - I'm pretty much an avowed atheist, but writing Braska gives me a glimpse of the strength and power of belief. And yeah, I am not totally unaware of the irony that my dad's belief system is in some ways very similar to Braska's, although their personalities are, uh. Definitely a bit different. And some of it is that I am kind of a snarky asshole and I play a lot of snarky assholes, and they're all great fun, but there's something both calming and cleansing about writing someone so kind and so certain of himself as Braska.

(Guess who spent like two hours tonight watching FFX clips as a refresher for a Braska app, and then followed it up with horribly depressing FFX fanfic. I feel like I need to do a scene of Braska being totally fluffy with his pet ninja boy or having tea with Minato or something now, to make up for it.)
( Nov. 22nd, 2009 04:02 pm)
I actually meant to do this meme the first time I saw it on Julie's LJ a few months back, but oh well, round two works too!

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:

Read more... )
( Nov. 22nd, 2009 03:26 am)
-Increased dose of Wellbutrin does craaaazy things to my brain. Anxiety as a side-effect + pre-existing anxiety disorders = five hours of me fidgeting compulsively and being totally unable to focus on anything. Hopefully it'll even out after a few days but whoa, that was a bit intense

-Have gotten mostly caught up on Merlin S2 (haven't watched tonight's ep yet, but soon!), and oh BBC, I love you and your iffy script-writing and bad special effects. Best moment so far was the incredibly awkward not-hug which I will be laughing about forever.

-I still hate 18th century lit ahhhhh.

Okay time to try to sleep :|
( Nov. 13th, 2009 12:09 am)
I am probably spending way to much brain-energy this week on creating steampunk!Rufus for The Sky Tides, although it has given me more info to add to my vast store of utterly useless facts. A symptom of this is that while I am usually not really into the 18th/19th century harlequin romance heroes, there's something about the mental image of Rufus horseback riding - 19th century clothes, tall riding boots, jacket off, shirt sleeves rolled up slightly - that's really incredibly hot.

Anyway. As a distraction from my shallow fangirling, have hilarious goldfish. I literally laughed for like two minutes straight.

Also, I just have say this - 18th century lit and the lack of standardized capitalization blows. Trying to read sentences where half the nouns are capitalized is really hard - it totally messes up all my visual sentence break cues.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I uploaded this a few days ago and never posted it. Have some sweet Rufus-appropriate house techno: David Guetta - The World is Mine
( Nov. 3rd, 2009 04:07 pm)
Suit sewing is a go - I have two weeks before I have to start in on term papers, so I am using them to my cosplay advantage. I am already sick of welt pockets, but ah well. I will be able to add suits to the list of 'sewing projects I could do in my sleep' (other entries - hakama, kimono, and vests) after this, I think. Ced and I have been scheming recruitment and photoshoots, which is always fun, although it's all still planning right now.

Related to that, more Case of Shinra is up - there's canon confirmation for two fanon assumptions (Rufus's mother's death, and the Turks helping evacuate Midgar), evidence for my 'President Shinra is less of a dick than we thought' theory (he uses his son's birthday as his passcode for everything), and Tseng in a Hawaiian shirt. I am kind of loving it.

And not at all related to that, I put up Halloween photos - they're here, I'm too lazy to embed right now.


( Nov. 2nd, 2009 12:47 am)
I made a pretty layout! Code taken [livejournal.com profile] thrashmetal and tweaked to fit my needs~ Was getting tired of the default on DW and my ancient (read: I made it in 2006) Vergil layout on LJ was well past it's prime.
( Nov. 1st, 2009 01:51 am)
-Zombies were a success!
-So was the fudge and marshmallows.
-A+ comment of the evening from Julie, when I showed up with my hair slicked back: "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ZOMBIE RUFUS?!" Tragically no, although that'd be an awesome costume
-Best costume, by far, of the night - the guy who dressed as George Harrison, came with a nice classic electric guitar, and played Beatles songs all night.
-Watching a shirtless man in leggings and a luchadore mask singing Rock Band songs at the top of his lungs is awesome

My plan for the rest of the night is to upload and edit camera images, and zen out to the sounds of my roommate playing Katamari Forever while I read more Nabari no Ou and get something to eat that isn't packed with sugar~
( Oct. 30th, 2009 10:16 pm)
Things That Are Awesome
-Midterms! Are! Done!
-Chocolate fudge for the party tomorrow is actually appropriately fudgey
-Halloween = I finally have things for Clow to do in Desai
-Finding a stuffed black panther at Value Village for $3. It will become my cute tentacled bodyguard soon
-UBUNTU 9.10! They finally fixed the 3D rendering problems on Intel graphics cards.
which means... )
--Fun fact: the OSS drivers for my display and and wifi card are better than the closed-source Windows ones (okay, so they fixed the display bugs...but only on the Vista drivers).
-zombie!Scientist is a go!

Things That Are Not Awesome
-Value Village was out of fake blood :(
-Attempts to make creepy bright orange marshmallows resulted in very very pale pastel orange marshmallows. Still tasty though!
-Sleep cycle is still fucked ughhh. Going to try and work that out next week I think.

Verdict? Awesome day.




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