([personal profile] momiji Sep. 24th, 2009 02:27 am)
I hate it when I come across amazing WIP fics that haven't been updated for a year and a half :< I also hate it when I decide to wear my white pants out one day and of course they end up with some weird huge stain on one leg. Yes, they're my Rufus pants. Yes, I will actually cry if I can't get it out.

On the plus side - I have tea, techno, Alton Brown, and a successfully finished Population Genetics assignment, so it's not all bad.

EDIT: Ahaha wonders of using white cotton twill for this suit = the magic stain removing power of chloride bleach! The worst of the mess (looked like pen ink of some sort - very dark blue) is gone, and I'm going to let the last little dark bits soak overnight.
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