([personal profile] momiji Jan. 23rd, 2004 09:46 pm)
Blah. Today has generally not been the world's greatest day. Two of my teachers were being real assholes, even more so than usual, and it generally made me really irritated. The fact that it was absolutely freezing and windy out while walking home really didn't help much either. So now, it is twenty to ten on a Friday night, and I'm about to fall asleep where I'm sitting >.< Augh, life. Why must you be so annoying and sleep-depriving? Why?

Some random stuff in no particular order before I go to bed:

-Had some kid on the bus think I was a guy yesterday. Would have been amused if I was in a better mood.

-Magus is totally Sephiroth's great-granddaddy or something. And Lavos is like Jenova, only not as cool.

-Everything Bush said about public education in the State of the Union was a lie, and I think I can be fairly accurate on this, actually being in the public schools and all.

-I officially hate the Master Sword. That thing is going to be such a bitch to make, I'm freaking about it already.
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