([personal profile] momiji Oct. 6th, 2003 06:08 pm)
So, I went and checked my AOL e-mail account, which I do every now and then because there's sometimes stuff that winds up there that I want to see. Such as this, which came from a very amusing friend ^^

Don't you just feel like doing this to someone, some days??!!

*snerks* It's making me think amusing Seishirou, King of Penguins thoughts ([livejournal.com profile] kosquarepelli will get that in its entirety, but I don't think the rest of you will *is feeling vaguely cryptic ^^*)

Also, have finished Good Omens. Overall reaction?


Seriously. I've being going around babbling to people about how good it is and showing them the footnotes on 'infra-black' and such all day ^^

(tangent: I need to stop tempting Fate. Fate enjoys screwing me over. But I can't seem to stop anyway *bangs head against wall repeatedly* My apologies to the world, at this point.)

Oh, and that entry that was two down but isn't any more? Two reasons: 1) I do stupid things when I'm upset. Like lashing out at random people, or throwing things against walls and screaming. 2) I second-guess myself all the time. Put two and two together, and...yes, I'm entering the first stages of second-guessing. I'll give it until I come back from the my trip, and then do a secondary second-guess. Starting now. And if I go back on it this time, you may all smack me senseless.
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