([personal profile] momiji Jul. 8th, 2003 01:54 am)


-Aishuu's layout - Almost done. Just need to code it.
-Yuuzai - Finishing off forums, fixing the little things we missed.
-Dendrophile - Update rules, make more buttons.
-TREE - two sections left to write, image gallery
-Sakurazukamori - Images.

Also need to put some work into my miscellaneous junk/art/fic/con report/costume site at some point, but that can wait.


-Shikifuku - starting to think I can pull this sucker off. White underrobe is almost entirely finished, blue underrobe has been cut out. Everything else has been contemplated.
-Seishirou - Need to order contact, and find a white shirt that doesn't have little holes in the collar for collar stays or whatever they are. Learn to look truly bad-ass and evil.
-Subaru (for Katt) - Um, nothing? Going to try to hunt down fabric...the pattern is currently pinned to my fabric for my X17 trench ^^;

Other costumes have been contemplated for Shoujocon, as well. Might do Ryuuichi if everyone else still wants to do Gravi. Might do Impa if I have the time and money. Might be a part of her FuruBa group, although I'm really not sure about that one at this point. Other than that, maybe I'll wear TB Seishirou again or something...I like my pimp suit ^^


-Book Reports - Might actually do these before the day before school this year ^^ Thinking of using Soul Music for one, because I know I can ramble about that for a while

-Job - Not going well, unfortunately...need....money....
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