([personal profile] momiji May. 8th, 2012 05:24 pm)
For [profile] pantswarrior's amusement, Ashley and I were discussing plotting plans for our Fuuga OT3 (Kazuki/Toshiki/Juubei):

Her: I also think that at some point, they should all have bathtime.
Me:..........does the Mirage have a hot tub?
Me: because if so they should take it over and fill it with bubble bath (LOL)
Her: lmfao
Her: yessssss

(and to everyone in general, I swear I really truly will have con photos uploaded this week. Once I reinstall the OS on my laptop. Yes, again. I probably could have fixed this one, but trying to swap from Ubuntu to Xubuntu without a clean wipe, after upgrading Ubuntu from 10.10 to 12.04 in one day, was making it's own share of problems, so I decided to just go clean.)
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