([personal profile] momiji Aug. 22nd, 2009 12:36 am)
-The approximately three people reading this who understand the reference will find this hilarious: Ally the Turk. She is this team's Reno. I give her roughly ten minutes before the Fearless Leader attempts to strangle her in frustration.
-New Rufus boots = surprisingly comfortable! The downside is that they were made with someone with larger ankles than me, so the heels rub a little without insoles
-Fifteen yards of wool-blend suiting = ~20 pounds. Now I understand why they wanted $45 to ship it to Canada
-Looks great, though - a little higher color saturation than the stuff I originally used for Jon's first suit, which I think will actually work nicely
-My Elena got a job, and thus is actually coming with us omg omg omg. Seriously she will be adorable.

This pile of awesome makes up for the fact that I am going to hate myself tomorrow (initial chiropractic exam, ie, lots of prodding, plus walking around campus lots, plus staying up past my bedtime)
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