([personal profile] momiji Apr. 19th, 2007 03:14 pm)
Last final is done! I think it went pretty well, although not as well as I would have liked. We'll see when grades get posted in a few weeks. This means I finally get some time to myself to just relax for the first time since spring break, practically. Little bit of celebratory partying (or, in Yana's case, drowning of pre-physics final sorrows) tomorrow night, and then going out clubbing this weekend, and sleeping in lots, I think.

In that vein - any of my friends (by which I think I mostly mean Skuld) have suggestions for some decent celebration booze? Something relatively high proof, not total ass-tasting, and relatively cheap. It's being split between three people, two of whom have really high alcohol tolerances (me and Yana), and I'm buying.
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