([personal profile] momiji May. 20th, 2010 02:46 am)
Even though the financial aspects of it will probably come back to bite me in the ass a little, I'm really glad I decided to take May off instead of jumping right back into work. It looks, unfortunately, like my hopes of finding a lab tech job are not to be, so it's back to the grocery store grind for a bit for me In June. But I've been filling my new-found free time with RP, video games, and hanging out with friends, which has been good. Both the tabletop games I'm in have been going well, and online stuff too - Ishida is a much better fit in Desai than some of my previous characters were, and I'm planning on apping at a new Psychonauts-universe game - Psitanium - with Sougyo no Kotowari, because them plus crazy summer camp for psychics is a brilliant combo. Video game-wise, I finally started playing Metroid Prime and am absolutely loving it. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm like eight years late to the party. I always am. I'm pretty much okay with this. I did a bunch of sewing on Wonder Chef, too, and then Justin and I have an epic fabric shopping trip to Bellingham planned on Friday. I'm still a little weirded out by the fact that I can go to a different country for like...the afternoon. But Joann's has great sales. Friday is also the opening night for Night Market, which means lots of delicious food! Looking forward to that.
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