([personal profile] momiji Jan. 9th, 2007 12:34 am)
New year, new cosplay post. Not all of these will be done this year, but I'm going to do my best.

Almost Done
- Ada (needs wig, choker, gun, and some shoe touch-up. Kei-kon, maybe?)
- Sephiroth (shoulder armor and belts. I really don't know, the first is hard)
- Mafia Leon (wearable, but I need to do the Chicago Typewriter)

- Default Leon (needs pants that fit, gloves, gear. SakuraCon)
- Rufus (needs coats, gun, hair stuff. I've got fabric. SakuraCon, maybe?)
- TB Seishirou (Wig. Whenever Amber wants me for it)

Want To Do
- Vergil (Big and high on the list, but I need a Dante and decent PVC supplier first. Would like to do for Yaoicon, but I dunno)
- Something Torchwood (just an idea right now - either Jack or Ianto)
- Asher (here just because I'd need people to go with, and there is nobody at the moment, I think)

Cons: Kei-kon (depends on some friend situations), SakuraCon (almost definately), Anime Evolution (almost definately), Yaoicon (if I can afford plane tickets)

Anything I may have promised people and am missing? Anything people want to drag me into XD;? Oh, and anyone good with make-up? I need pointers really badly. I'd also like to get some better photos of some of my older stuff - mostly my hair looks _awful_.

EDIT: 'Cause Ammie reminded me - Teen!Sei - needs wig, collar pins, and at this point, new pants, because the pair I was going to use are now more dark grey than black. And a Setsuka.
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