([personal profile] momiji Jan. 8th, 2007 02:44 am)
I just had a total scare-moment, thinking that Liz's Christmas present had fallen out of my backpack on the plane and disappeared forever, but no. I had just put it inside another bigger big inside my backpack to keep that from happening. I am too smart for my own good apparently. And I brought cookies for people here, and they all got broken in my luggage. Some just had the head or a leg snap off, but others are pretty crushed D: (still tasty, though?)

And I am back, after an hour and half delay at Chicago (some baggage mess-up) and being charged $50 by United because their weight limit is fifty pounds instead of seventy like all the other airlines I've flown recently (yes, I had a sixty pound bag). United also has like no leg room at all - I think I may avoid them in the future if possible.

Many more things to come, but _after_ I sleep.
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