([personal profile] momiji Nov. 23rd, 2006 09:40 pm)
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! Hope you had a great day and lots of good food.

My day has been a bit busy, but largely in the good way - lab final for Bio this morning, which means I just have to get the paper for it done. This afternoon was my first stint of lab volunteering with Yana - two and a half hours, we mostly helped one of the 4th year Directed Studies students prepare plant samples to run gels of, and helping the lab director sort papers. We're so low in the lab pecking order that we are lab slaves for another undergrad, but it's better than having no lab.

Also, I am sorely tempted to re-write Asher for RR because it would actually work and he's been hanging around my head way too much lately. And I think S_F is officially dead-dead. Past the point of no return dead. Someone, either talk me into or out of this, please?
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