([personal profile] momiji Sep. 24th, 2006 12:17 am)
The bass, it is making me craaaaazy. Fifty minutes until quiet hours start @.@ Also, people - talk to me? Not necessarily right now, as I may go off and try to get some homework done, but like...in general. I'm on MSN and AIM lots, but I'm convinced most of you secretly hate me or something, and having one sided-conversations suck tremendously, so I've given up trying to IM all but the three or four people I know will actually talk to me.

In good news, I have a tv now (which was really fucking heavy, let me tell you), and more Dante, of the gigantic lit-geeky sort. Although speaking of the other Dante...what made him think cowboy boots/pants that look like cowboy boots (I can't tell, that's the scariest bit) were a good idea? They weren't. They're worse than the manbra.

...The chair I'm sitting in is _vibrating_ with the bass. WHYYYYYY.
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