

( Feb. 5th, 2007 04:02 pm)
Dear Canada Post,

It should not take a week for a package to get from the province's capital to it's largest city, particularly when they are a relatively short ferry ride apart. Seriously, guys. It took me this long to mail a package from New England to Japan. Japan.

No love,

I mostly love living here, but Canada Post makes me want to go on homicidal rampages pretty much all the time. Damnit, I want my book back. Now.
( Feb. 5th, 2007 05:46 pm)
I've finally started collecting photos for a cosplay website (after deciding to make one, what, two years ago?) and....why is it that the only costume I have more than two good photos of is my Subaru shikifuku? You know, the one I wore to all of two cons? I know, I know, it's because I did a couple photoshoots with it. But still. Everything else is trying to pick the least bad photos.

There's a few pretty priceless humor ones in here, though. Like Yami does Hooter's. Or this moment of shower whackiness.



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