Gah. Sometimes I feel like I should just not talk to people at all, to avoid embarassing myself and annoying people I like and respect in the process. Because I keep doing it lately.

I have roughtly the social aptitude of a rock or something. It's pathetic.

Anyway! Aside from that, life is pretty good. My dad and I finally went to the range today, and I learned that 9mm semi-autos have alot of kick to them. As much as I'd like to try larger calibers, I think I need to force myself to stop flinching firing the 9mm first - you can tell exactly where the trigger fires on that S&W, which doesn't help at all. But it was lots of fun anyway. We also went out to dinner the next town over and I walked around and explored some.

And I'm entertaining the idea of cosplaying RE2!Leon, which is a Bad Plan because it's the dorkiest thing ever, pretty much.
( Jul. 29th, 2006 02:46 pm)
Goddamnit, I need to stop being such a wuss about asking for things I really want.

And entirely unrelated but Liquid Tension Experiment is love. And I'm vaguely wondering how many of the ninety-one people who have this friended actually read it with any sort of regularity. Although probably about ten or fifteen of those are either dead journals or duplicates.



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