( Apr. 14th, 2006 10:36 am)
Steal Red Hot Chili Pepper's Greatest Hits from brother. Mostly because I totally need "Under the Bridge" for my Asher playlist.

Also, I am so fucked on the Microbiology quiz I have next class. Mostly because apparently I utterly fail at chem. Ah well, my grade is good enough in that class I could probably not take the quiz and get an A, I think.
( Apr. 14th, 2006 05:09 pm)
(Edited as I play, to avoid spamming you all)

Everyone: Squall! Do something!
Squall: ...I hate you all so very, very much.

He's so harassed. Like Pilot in Farscape.

And...it flies? What?

EDIT: Squall has trust issues, yaaay! And Rinoa is annoying. I know, she means well, but...hasn't she ever heard of knocking? If I was Squall, I'd have been all 'ARGH GET OUT OF MY ROOM I'M SLEEPING.'



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