( Mar. 27th, 2006 01:29 am)
Argh. I decided to upgrade Winamp and my mp3 player firmware, because the new version of Winamp has support for the Dell DJ. Upgrading the firmware is a pain in the ass - doing so deletes all your files, so I had to back up a bunch of stuff - but I thought 'Hey, it'll make adding playlists a lot easier!', as I've had a bunch I kept meaning to add but decided that it would be too much of a hassle.

So I spent two hours that I probably should have spent sleeping backing up assorted files and installing stuff, only to discover that while I can sync my music library and all that jazz, exporting playlists to portable devices isn't supported yet. I think I may kill something.
( Mar. 27th, 2006 10:18 pm)
Pluses: My hair is now bright royal blue, and thus, totally awesome. There will be photos later. I also got smacked with a bit of inspiration for a little snippet of Claire-Leon post-C:V conversation, which will probably join the Ada-bit in my binder tomorrow during calc.

Minuses: Apparently we had a project summary due today. Needless to say, I haven't started that. I'm going to have to at least make myself begin it tonight, although I can finish it tomorrow morning. I also still haven't figured out how to import .m3u playlists to my mp3 player, argh.

And I totally can't concentrate on anything right now. Blargh.



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