([personal profile] momiji Jul. 26th, 2006 07:01 pm)
Back from Mara's - actually came back last night, but it was one am and I was fiddling with my laptop, so I didn't get around to posting. Didn't end up going out to the Berkshires either, but eh, not a huge deal.

Mara and I had lots of fun of the low-key variety - DDR, long walks, ice cream, shopping - I bought the RE Archives, which is shiny but probably more than I should have spent, driving up around Hampton Beach and looking at the mansions, and having long discussions about fandom and life.

Entirely unrelated, and I know the RE and DMC fan-population reading this is absolutely miniscule, but...anybody want an Eva or Leon for RP-things? They are demanding to be written. And I know a few cool multifandom places for Eva, but Leon's already been taken at all of them.
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