Yep, we watched the first Star Wars movie today, and damn, do I still love the original trilogy ^^ Perhaps I'll break out the second and third tomorrow - RotJ will be mentally dissected, costume-wise, because nobody it seems has shots of Han Solo's outfit there online, and that's the one I'm doing. Also did card-making stuff today, I like how they came out ^^
Last post from the South, we're leaving here at six am tomorrow for our flight home. I'm secretly rather glad, because I can't sleep well in this house, all the blankets are too small, and I feel really out of my element down here - I'm not good in places without trees. Real trees, I mean, palms don't count. Anyway. Found Roy gloves for $7 total on E-bay, so I just went ahead and bought 'em ^^ Other than that, not much going on. Talk to everybody when I'm home in the good ol' North.



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