( Sep. 15th, 2003 09:10 pm)
Product of a very late-night conversation with [livejournal.com profile] bangles that was too neat not to do anything with, but too small to pass on to someone else who would give it a better home ^^ Actually written out because my math class is really boring, and because [livejournal.com profile] shoiryu told me, in her own words, to '.....Write something. Beeee productive.' when I said I had nothing to do. Also partially blamed on Terry Pratchett and his Death, who I <3, and makes a sort of appearance here. His concept of Death, anyway.

Fate )
...I wonder what it's a sign of that I seem to not be able to write anything completely serious well. Honestly, this started out without any of the mini-bits of humor that just decided to add themselves in. Also, for the record, I'm not sure I entirely believe this theory myself, but it's an interesting idea, at the very least, and an interesting explanation. Too bad I only did a so-so job of covering it...started sort of falling apart towards the end there ^^;



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