([personal profile] momiji Jan. 6th, 2006 02:09 am)
Meant to post yesterday, but I kind of lazed all day. Actually, I kind of did that today, too, but eh, I'm on vacation. Rufus is still being overly insistant, although playing RE4 shuts him up for a while. Mostly because mmmmm, Leon. (Also, half my flist keeps saying 'Leon' and meaning Squall in KH, and it confuses the hell out of me)

Also, number three on the list of 'Crack Reasons Why Rufus Shinra Isn't Dead' (1. Parachute 2. He Ducked) is T-Virus. Yeah, it makes no sense. I blame Mara. We were making bad jokes about Spawn!Rufus and zombie!Rufus and my brain is on Capcom lately.

And I apparently am SBP!Remus incarnate. Which may make me feel warm and fuzzy enough inside about my cosplay (although I totally threw that thing together in five minutes, so it doesn't quite count) to get some work done on Sephiroth tomorrow. Ugh don't wanna. Actually, I mostly want to start on Rufus, but that's my one-track mind kicking in. I need to work on Seph. And Jon's Yuna costume, because he asked me about it. And I need a Tseng, damnit.

...Why do I do these things to myself? I'm going to bed.
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