([personal profile] momiji Sep. 23rd, 2005 07:00 pm)
Yeah, finally - and yes, it's out of season, but shhh. There will be a Halloween layout at some point and that will be in-season. Other than that, my mind keeps skipping between Star Trek, Shakespeare, and Shinra's Finest which is getting kind of annoying, and has lead to a lot of me watching TNG reruns on Spike and hoping someone will get the hell online and leave me some replies on the RP.

Also, randomly, Winter burns me the best mix CDs <3 Currently listening to the 'Party Mix' which is good DDR, good Red Hot Chili Peppers, and good Weird Al, among other things.

(And eventually I'll figure out how to split up my LJ and blog instead of just cross-posting everything...)
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