([personal profile] momiji Aug. 19th, 2005 01:55 am)
The garden is more or less finished, yay! I have to go back tomorrow and do some last touch-ups still, though. I also drove all the way home from Logan Airport without running into any problems, which is yay. I've also been contemplating the name of my car, which is currently unofficially Reno - Auron is a better fit, and my dad kind of cinched it when he refered to fifth gear, as he usually does, as 'overdrive'. I know this is perfectly legitimate, but my brain put two and two together, and I had to keep from laughing. The only problem with this is that I like Auron, but my car drives me crazy (I like Reno too, it's just that he's supposed to be a troublemaker). Opinions XD? (for all who care, my car is a somewhat dented burgundy red standard '92 Honda Accord. I've got photos somewhere)

Summer reading is finished with - the third one I read, The Tipping Point was the most interesting, I think. Mostly about how trends, both negative and positive, spread through groups of people, and why certain trends take off and others don't.

And now, a shameless plug: Shinra's Lobby, the more open, laid-back aside to Shinra's Finest. I fail at explaining things, so just go over there to check it out.
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