2005-06-06 10:49 pm
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The Power of Words

It would appear that I am somewhat special in some respects - mostly that when people say that they'll do something, it means a lot to me that they actually do so. My memory is kind of wierd in what it does and does not remember, and one of the things that I do tend to remember is things people have said they'll do. And when they don't, which happens far too often, it makes me feel like I can't trust that person as much, which is not a happy feeling.

I do my absolute best to not promise anything I can't be positive I can deliver. Please, do me the favor of giving me the same thing.

(Real life post coming at some point, along with movie reviews, but I'm too upset right now, so I'm going to go play video games instead for a bit.)
2005-05-01 09:28 pm
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Anime Boston 05

Making myself write this before I crash and forget half of it. There will be photos later, as a bunch are on my mom's regular film camera.
AB 05 )
2005-04-25 12:41 pm

Time For Another Addition of 'Things Cocoa Doesn't Like'!

-Whistling. The next person whistling near me I can get away with hurting is doing _down_.
-Joni. One more stupid question and...*cracks knuckles menacingly* Nobody would mind, either. Even Mr. Gagne finds him irritating.
-Spanish class, and my Spanish teacher
-Actually, most noise in general right now.
-Tension headaches.
-Physics SAT
-Not being able to sleep well.

...Actually, despite this list, I'm feeling a little better, possibly because I just had lunch and actually had breakfast this morning. Going to go read and listen to music for a while.
2005-04-24 09:06 pm
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I Hate This.

I hate being able to be hurt so easily. I hate that it's the little things that bother me, and that it seems like nobody understands how much they mean to me. I hate being let down, over and over again. I hate that I keep trusting in people not to do it again, anyway.

I've been having a bad couple of days. Unless you already know or are Winter, don't ask. I don't want to talk about it.
2005-04-10 07:52 pm
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I need someone to give me a hug and tell me in a way that actually convinces me, that everything is going to be okay.

This month just keeps getting worse and worse.
2005-04-04 12:47 pm
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I had a sense that it was going to be a bad week, or at least a bad day, when I woke up fifteen minutes late, had no soda for lunch or tea for breakfast, found that the handle of one of our two bathrooms is broken and won't open, and had my mom get angry about my brother fiddling around with the router over the weekend. I had the realization of why this was happening when Nick pointed out that the date, 4/4, could also be written as 4/04. "Error, cannot find the requested good day", most likely. Bah.

Anyway, off to do homework. Or read. Or something. I dunno.

(also, for those who care, White Wolf has PDF of the Victorian Age character sheet avalible here. The one in the sourcebook doesn't look great printed, 'cause of the scan-quality)

EDIT: I want shadow magic. But I can't have shadow magic. Nooo T.T
2005-03-25 12:19 pm
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A More Sincere Apology

I'm sorry, love. For this morning, too <3
2005-03-02 11:51 pm

Yes, I'm Still Adding To That Damned List

A Few More Things Cocoa Doesn't Like:
- Not being able to fall asleep
- How I get pissed off at people who I think are better than me, which at times includes most of the people I know.
- The stupid check-out program my hosting service uses that won't process my mother's credit card properly.

...I'm going to read some Sherlock Holmes and hope to hell I can get enough sleep to be coherent for my presentation tomorrow.
2005-03-02 02:45 pm

More Things Cocoa Doesn't Like

- This Spanish project
- Oral projects in general, actually.
- Not understanding WTF the last problem on my math homework - "The reader can verify it by induction." Verify what?
- The amount of Physics I'm going to have to do tomorrow if it's due Friday rather than Monday
- My group for Engineering. All the people I asked for are in another group, altogether
- The lack of food in my house. I can't even make ghetto Potage Crecy, which would have lasted me until Friday, because we have no onions. We also have no milk, and pretty much nothing else I consider generally edible except for pasta and rice pilaf mix which I don't have the motivation to make right now.
- Being made more bad-tempered by other people being bad-tempered at me, over stupid things all around.
- Geting only five hours of sleep last night.
- Not being able to get inspired to make layouts for myself.

Now, back to your regular scheduled apathy while I work on aforementioned Spanish project.
2005-02-24 10:08 pm

Things Cocoa Doesn't Like, Continued

-This lab
-Having to use a good six different programs for this lab
-My computer
-Logger Pro
2005-02-22 11:49 pm

Another Psuedo-List

Things Cocoa Doesn't Like:

Feeling plain, boring, generally uninteresting, and useless, particularly when it leads to feeling out of place amoung my friends who seem so much more interesting than me.

This is probably a sign that I either need something new and interesting in my routine/warddrobe/house/life, or to sleep for two days straight, or both.

*headdesk* This is so not my week.

EDIT: Tokyo-Tower _may_ be down for the rest of the week. There's a sticky situation involving the fact that my mom and her credit card are in France, and I need the new number because her old one expired.
2005-01-21 02:08 pm
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Yeah God, I Hate You Too.

Damnit, I hate it when people don't do things I've asked them to do. Simple, easy things. Especially when not having them done puts me incredibly on edge as a result. I don't like feeling edgy, it was bad enough that I didn't feel like trying to stomach half my lunch. You know who you are, although I doubt you're reading this.

Also, last week sucked, this week sucked, and so far, it looks like next week will suck too. I may be able to pull a B in Research Seminar, though. I've kind of ceased to care, but I do it anyway out of internal guilt and not wanting to go back to my old school again.

I'd recommend steering clear if you don't want to listen to me grumbling.
2005-01-07 02:07 am
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Fuck, I've Done It Again

Yeah, can't sleep again. Probably because I slept eighteen hours last night, almost non-stop, and I've got a lot on my mind right now. Which is mostly why I'm sitting here writing this at almost-quarter til two in the morning.

January tends to be a bad month, I think (Many apologies to my three or so friends born this month, I love you all even though I hate January ^^;). School is already starting to stress me out majorly, even though I've only had one day of it - we've got about a month left before the science fair, we have to have a first draft of our paper for the begining of the week after next, and I am pretty much fucking screwed.

On top of this, I'm currently stuck in the middle of an exceptionally tense and delicately balanced relationship-situation, to the point where I have no idea what I can do that won't end up with someone hurt. Which also means that I can't rant about it at length here, unfortunately, however, I will lament, in short: Why do I always fall for the ones I can't have? Bah. And things seem to be going equally badly for most of my friends - if there's anything I can do for any of you guys, you know how to reach me.

On a brief, lighter note, Ammie, I got your package~! It made me all sparkely and stupidly-fangirly, which some hidden mature chunk deep inside me keeps cringing at. You people really do enjoy furthering my decent into hell(con? XD), and I love all of it. I'll post pictures of my spoils later ~.^ (And possibly of cosplay, my gloves came the other day)