momiji ([personal profile] momiji) wrote2004-12-07 09:59 am

Okay, so it was only forty-five minutes later...

For Claudia, who is love ^^

Like I said before, you remind me in an number of ways (all good, mind you ^^) of Hawkeye - you have that same sort of internal strength that she has, with the same kindness, and loyalty to those you care about underneath. Alright, and you also know when to hit me to get me to shut up ^^ (Plus, you're as pretty as she is too ^^)

We also have so many random things in common, even if it seems like we don't have any at all at times - we both love cooking crazy foods, and sewing, and manga, and pretty things, even if I still think polka dots are silly ^^

You also go along with so many of my crazy cosplay schemes, and do things like drag me to Otakon and out to sushi, and you're just dreadfully fun to be around ^^ <3 you lots, never forget that ^^ You always know how to reach me if you ever need to talk.

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