
2009-05-23 02:12 pm

Sakuracon '09 Photos

Because let's face it, I am a lazy bitch and am totally not going to write a real con report. So! Full photos gallery is here - it's compiled from five different cameras so it is massive and, unfortunately not in chronological order because each camera had a different naming scheme and I didn't get around to figuring out how to give them a consistent naming scheme. Highlights below!

There are kind of a lot of highlights >.> )
2009-05-23 02:14 pm

(no subject)

Oh hai, maybe I should actually post something here. Still making up my mind what exactly I want to do, but in the meantime, have con photos!

Full SC'09 photos gallery is here - it's compiled from five different cameras so it is massive and, unfortunately not in chronological order because each camera had a different naming scheme and I didn't get around to figuring out how to give them a consistent naming scheme. Highlights below!

There are kind of a lot of highlights >.> )