
2007-04-15 02:33 am


From [livejournal.com profile] _leareth and [livejournal.com profile] crazylittleme - the bastard child of what they both posted XD;

We all have things about our friends that we highly admire and make us slightly envious. Not in a bad way, but in a 'Wow! I wish I had that person's hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.' So tell me what is it about me that you really admire/envy ... then post this in your LJ and see what I admire/envy in you.
2007-04-15 05:38 am
Entry tags:

RP lulz

I seriously have the worst luck with online games ever XD; I have yet to find a single one that I enjoy, long-term. They all either die, or I find myself getting dissatisfied.

I think I just need to find someone to solo with who can put up with eccentricities. Or write a lot of fic.