
2006-12-25 10:10 pm

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my friends (and a Happy Holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas). Mine was rather low-key - my mom had to work, so we didn't get around to presents until six o'clock. Gift certificates from various relatives, a really nice wool blanket and silly bumper sticker from my dad (the blanket was made at the farm he works at parttime), sewing supplies and a new sewing machine from my mom, and a nice coat from one set of grandparents, and this fish-thing that moves to music from the other. It's a bit silly, but kind of entertaining.

Anyway, hope everyone else had a nice Christmas! I'm sorry I haven't got my cards and such out, but they will be in the mail in the next couple of weeks (Audrey, you still need to send me those references if you want the cookies XD;)