
2004-12-04 04:43 pm

Now On To Number Two!

For the Mara-creature ^^

You're one of my favorite people in this crazy world - we have all sorts of whacky things in common: fandom (...alright, deep undying love of the Sumeragi, really ^^), sewing, a love of cooking and good food ^^ You almost always have something nice or interesting to say, and you know what to say to keep me from letting my bitterness and self-pity get too out of control on those bad days ^^

You also have a sense of whimsy and idealism that deep down inside, I wish I still had. You can always find the beauty in everday things, and plan grand schemes, which is something my cynisism won't always let me manage. You're an inspiration to the rest of us, don't ever lose that ^^

On top of all that, you're cute, funny, a wonderful artist and writer, and a great cosplayer. <3 you lots, my dear ^^